All we care about are the now traditional spectacular movie trailers shown during the breaks (of which there are loads - seriously, tons. Does this not irritate our American cousins? Surely nobody needs to be advertised to that much).
And in a year where a multitude of exciting blockbusters are set to hit the cinema, the Big Game gave us a few whoop-worthy moments.
Star Trek: Into Darkness
There's not nearly enough of the Cumberbeast in this TV spot for our liking. There is, however a lot of action, including the sight of the U.S.S Enterprise crashing its way to Earth, which almost makes up for it.
Iron Man 3
Good God, Robert Downey Jr is a handsome man, isn't he? Erm… our Stark lust aside, this latest trailer from Marvel gives us some lovely stuff including a bit of uncharacteristic humble voice over from Tony, and a tense mid-air dilemma that shows off Iron Man's new suit to perfection.
Oz The Great And Powerful
Meteors, explosions, fireworks, some spectacular CGI and an epic score make this 30 second spot a short, but very sweet, treat.
World War Z
Rather disappointingly, the World War Z trailer didn't give us anything new. But Brad Pitt's in it, and that's always nice.
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